Project Aim: 

This project is an initiative of ITCIG-Special Educational Needs Teachers’ Training Institute – A social Enterprise Institution in Cameroon situated in the North West Region of  the country –  that is  pioneering the ongoing development and implementation of the Cameroon Inclusive Special Education Teacher Training Empowerment Programme (CISETTEP) – geared towards the  training and qualifying of Inclusive Special  Educators –  who are inculcated with  versatile knowledge and skills to assist in removing artificial barriers to access to diverse overall opportunities  for all    as well as increase  quality and appropriate access to  education and other services for all.  The focus of   the project is to  foster inclusive practices across sectors   by use of  Inclusive Human Resources .

 ITCIG-SENTTI runs from a temporary rented site.  We are doing all we can to solicit for financial support to add   six (06) additional classrooms and four (04)   toilets to the five (05) classrooms and four toilets which we have started constructing.  Therefore, we are trying to solicit to interested persons to assist us in our effort to construct classrooms – required for the training and qualifying of Inclusive -Special Education Teachers.

Twenty thousand (20,000) bricks are required   for the construction of the said additional classrooms and toilets, we are trying to get people donate towards the purchase of the 20,000 bricks.   Each brick cost One Pound (£1:00). We are optimistic that,  with Support of friends and  World wishers – we  would be able to raised  £21000- out of which £20000  would  meet the cost  to  produce   20,000 bricks, while the extra £1000  makes up the 5%  that Crowdfunder  would take off at the end. Hence, with the  grand total as  £21000.  We   are hopeful that,   the  amount would enable  us to meet the intended target of the project.  

Project Focus: 

The focus of our Training programme is:-  to foster inclusive education, practices and development across sectors in Cameroon by training and making available inclusive humane- who are competent to work for and with learners with and without exceptional needs. Our driving force is our zeal to ensure every child is taught by a qualified teacher purposefully trained to meet their unique individual learning needs.

Unfortunately, many children living with special needs and disabilities do not still have access to quality formal education   in Cameroon. Meanwhile, the insignificant percentage that does access formal education are often taught at segregated special schools and by unqualified teachers. The project aim is to assist in promoting quality access to education for all learners with a strong focus to learners at the foundation school level (Nursery and Primary schoolin Cameroon.  We belief this can only be addressed through the training of Inclusive -Special Educators -who would possess the relevant knowledge, understand and skills to meet the needs of inclusive education, development and practices across sectors. Through the breed of teachers, we train, pupils irrespective of strengths, needs and disabilities are increasing   being enrolled and taught at least restrictive learning environment like peers without a history of disability and special educational needs.

Your Donation

Please, kindly support us to build Inclusive Classrooms and Improve the teaching and learning environment for Inclusive -Special Education Students-teachers who are being trained and qualified in collaboration with Multi-discipline Agencies to work for  and with  children with and without  Exceptional Needs and  their families. Inclusive Education teachers  are assisting  in removing artificial barriers and well as enhancing access to quality  basic education and other  socio-economic opportunities   for children  living with disabilities and having special  educational needs.

Please, the cost of a brick is £1:00, we need 20,000 Bricks, if you can sacrifice just £1.00, Your One Pound would be contributing towards us: –

Learn more by following us on Facebook here or by simply emailing our team, by visiting the Contact Us Page of our website here. We look forward to hearing from you!

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